Author: shekhar
Collection of study material on Hydraulics CE 555 IOE BE II/II
Here are some collections of studying material {Syllabus, Lecture Note, Tutorial Solutions, Exam question solutions, Old Questions, Computer programming solutions, Books} on HYDRAULICS. You can click the link provided below to full accessing of these files. One thing you should remember that these materials are collected from various unauthorized sites. So, do not use for the public and
Chapter Wise Questions on Engineering Professional Practice For TU, IOE IV/II
Chapter -1 1. What are the differences between society and community? Briefly describe the theories of social change. 2. What are the impacts of technology and its changes in society in this 21st century? 3. Define Society, Social Change, and Community.
Syllabus with course structure – Fourth year (7th semester and 8th semester) Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering, IOE TU
Here is a list of syllabuses of each subject for Fourth year (Seventh semester and Eighth semester) Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering under Institute of Engineering Nepal. You can click the link provided below to read/download the relative curriculum of each subject. For your exam based academic preparation you should extremely follow the institutional syllabus. Hence syllabus is very
Study materials for Highway Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Bio-engineering, Rural roads, Green roads [pdf]
Some books for Highway Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Traffic Engineering 1. Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering by C A O’Flaherty.pdf This book was Edited by CA O’Flaherty and Contributing authors are MGH Bell, PW BonsaU, GR Leake, AD May, CA Nash and CA O’Flaherty.This book is of 561 pages and this file is of 38.4Mb. We got this file from ‘Easy Engineering’
Collection Of Studying Material On – ENGINEERING PHYSICS SH 402 – For IOE BE First year
Here are some studying materials for ENGINEERING PHYSICS SH 402 IOE BE first-year first-semester examination. Please click the given link below to study/download these materials. Syllabus:- · IOE BE First Year Syllabus · Syllabus – ENGINEERING PHYSICS SH 402 – for TU IOE All BE first year first semester Books:- · Fundamentals of Physics Extended 9th-HQ-Halliday Sulution