Category: Agrineer

  • Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering in Nepal

    AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Showing various scope of Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Engineering is one of the Engineering like Civil Engineering mechanical Engineering. The Agricultural Engineering is the applied science mainly having field on Agriculture. This Engineering applies the many Agricultural principle, theory and technologies to the field of Agriculture. This Engineering is

  • Download 'The AGRINEER Vol. 5'

    Aftera three year’s gap, finally Agrineer Journal has continued on its way. NepalAgricultural Engineering Student’s Society ‘NAESS’ has been published The AGRINEER Vol. 5 in Feb 2017 through the largestruggle of Agrineer Publication Team. Thisis only one and leading journal in the Agricultural field of Nepal. This wouldbe very useful for researcher, students and other…

  • The Agrineer Volume-4 2013

    The Agrineer is an annual magazine of Nepal Agricultural Engineering Student’s Society – NAESS. This magazine is like as the JOURNAL but not fully JOURNAL. This mainly includes the research Articles and the NAESS’s activities also. The Agrineer volume 4 has been published in 2013.During its publication the following Agrineer team was formedTHE AGRINEER TEAMEditorial…