Category: lecture Notes
Collection of study material on Hydraulics CE 555 IOE BE II/II
Here are some collections of studying material {Syllabus, Lecture Note, Tutorial Solutions, Exam question solutions, Old Questions, Computer programming solutions, Books} on HYDRAULICS. You can click the link provided below to full accessing of these files. One thing you should remember that these materials are collected from various unauthorized sites. So, do not use for the public and
Collection Of Studying Material On – ENGINEERING PHYSICS SH 402 – For IOE BE First year
Here are some studying materials for ENGINEERING PHYSICS SH 402 IOE BE first-year first-semester examination. Please click the given link below to study/download these materials. Syllabus:- · IOE BE First Year Syllabus · Syllabus – ENGINEERING PHYSICS SH 402 – for TU IOE All BE first year first semester Books:- · Fundamentals of Physics Extended 9th-HQ-Halliday Sulution
Here are some studying material on FIELD OPERATION ANDMAINTENANCE OF TRACTOR AND FARM MACHINES. You can click the given link to read/downloadthese materials. · syllabus SixthSemester Syllabus – FIELD OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF TRACTOR AND FARMMACHINES AE 651 · Operational manual 1.MODULE
Collection of some study material on Engineering chemistry SH 453 – for all 1st year IOE BE
Subject Name : Engineering Chemistry – SH453 Here are some study materials (Books, Guides, Lecture notes, Numerical solutions, old questions ) for Engineering Chemistry. Engineering chemistry is the one of the marks obtaining easy subject. So if your carefully study this subject you can get more marks easily.For the Student of Engineering , Based on the Syllabus of…
Collection Of Studying Material On – Applied Mechanics CE 401 – For IOE BE First year
Hereare the some studying materials for applied mechanics IOE BE first year firstsemester examination. Please click the given link below to study/download these material. Syllabus:- · IOE BE First YearSyllabus · Syllabus-AppliedMechanics CE401 for IOE BE First year TextBooks:-
Collection of Studying material on – Farm Power and Engine System for IOE B.Agri II/I
Here are some important material forFarm Power and Engine system subject IOE B.Agri II/I and for related fieldalso. Click the link given below to read/download the specific notes, reportsand book. Lab report on Lab On IC Engine Component & Basic TerminologyLab On Two Stroke& Four Stroke Engine( SI& CI Engine)Lab On Fuel Supply SystemLab On…
Lecture note on ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF BIO-MATERIALS – by Samir Sakya- for IOE B. Agri III/I
ENGINEERINGPROPERTIES OF BIO-MATERIALS AE 602 Courseobjective: · To acquaint and equip the students with different techniques ofmeasurement of engineering properties and their importance in the design ofprocessing and material handling equipments. · To acquaint and equip the students with
The Lady with the Dog: Anton Chekov
Summary ‘TheLady with the Dog’ is a famous story written by Anton Chekov. It suggests that we often look for love ‘inall the wrong places’ or perhaps ‘in too many faces,’ which seems to beprecisely the problem of the protagonist in Anton Chekhov’s famous short story,‘The Lady with the Dog.’ The story is divided into…