Category: Solution
Collection of some study material on Engineering chemistry SH 453 – for all 1st year IOE BE
Subject Name : Engineering Chemistry – SH453 Here are some study materials (Books, Guides, Lecture notes, Numerical solutions, old questions ) for Engineering Chemistry. Engineering chemistry is the one of the marks obtaining easy subject. So if your carefully study this subject you can get more marks easily.For the Student of Engineering , Based on the Syllabus of…
Collection of some important Lecture notes, Numerical solution, Old question and Reference book on Basic Electronics Engineering for IOE BE I/II
Here is a Collection of some important Lecture notes, Numerical solution, Old question and Reference book on Basic Electronics Engineering for IOE BE I/II for targeting with the examination. You can click these item to study/download.References Books1.Electronics Devices and Amplifier Circuits Second Edition – by Steven T Karris2.Electronics Devices and Circuits Second Edition -by JIMMIE J.
Collection of top five Lecture notes and Numerical Solution on – FUNDAMENTALS OF THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER – For All First year of IOE
Collection of top five Lecture notes and Numerical Solution on – FUNDAMENTALS OF THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER – For All First year of IOE Numerical Solution Mannual on Engineering Thermodynamics – by Prof. T.T Al ShemmariLecture Note on Chapter-1 – by Sujan Shrestha (Kantipur Engineering College)CHAPTER 3-PROPERTIES OF COMMON SUBSTANCE- by Sujan Shrestha (Kantipur Engineering College
Collection of Studying material -on Fluid Mechanics for IOE B.Agri II/I & BCE II/I
Here are some important studying material (Syllabus, Books, Lecture’s notes, Old question, Numerical solution etc) on Fluid Mechanics, these would be very useful for student, researcher, co-worker related to the field of fluid mechanics and hydraulics. You can click the link provided below to full assess the provided file for reading/ download. These material are…
[pdf] Hydraulics's Lecture Note, tutorial solution – By Prof. Dr K. N Dulal
K.N Dulal’s lecture note is very famous for Hydraulics subject, Here we have provided you a soft copy of some numerical problem solved by Dulal on Hydraulics. He has solved some important numerical of different types but having a special probability to be asked in the exam in a simpler way providing important trick and…
Some Assignment question's solution on Engg. HYDROLOGY BAgri III/I – 1
Q.1. Define hydrology withwater balance equation. Q.2. Briefly describe the hydrologicalcycle with its components. Q.3. Write down the scope of thehydrological study and its application in Agricultural Engineering field. Q.4. Briefly describe the importance ofhydrological study in the context of Nepal. Q.1. Define hydrology with waterbalance equation